Mv Agusta F4
Test room Flow bench
Test the flowmeter
The engine head to the flowmeter
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Flow Bench, Yamaha R1, Pitot's tube for the individuation of sonic areas or areas of stallingContinue >
Technologies used in CEMES
Dynojet 200 CE
Our test bench inertial, available for companies and individuals
Borghi & Saveri
Our test bench braking to provide additional support in the development of your bike.
Evo Light
The Evo Light is a CNC machine for boring Serdi valve guides and correcting locations tested for racing
Patent CEMES, comes with hardware and software system of the first order CEE and with 1 year warranty.
Bridgeport VMC 1000
The new machine of Cemes, the Bridgeport VMC 1000 with high speed.
Korradi Kropp
Centro di lavoro a 4 assi marca Korradi kropp,