Inertial test bench Dynojet 200 CE
Our test room, available for companies and private individuals, has a Dynojet 200 CE test bench, with a high inertia roller capable of simulating the resistance which the vehicle meets in movement. It is by far the most used system in racing, with a sophisticated hardware capable of reading various parameters (among the most important: temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure of air taken in, etc.). It is capable of guaranteeing an unequivocal parameter recognized in the whole world. Our bench also has a particular frontal ventilation system as if the vehicle was on the road. This is certified (the airspeed was measured using an anemometer with various test conditions documented).
The tests can be:
- 4th gear (that which is conventionally used in the world as reference)
- testing of various gears
- acceleration and transmission dissipation test
N.B : tests do not stress the vehicle in any damaging way, nor do they prejudice its reliability.
Test bench at work
Motorcycle prepared with the help of the flowmeter
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Motorcycle prepared with the help of the Dynojet test bench
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Motorcycle prepared with the help of the Borghi & Saveri test bench
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The heads are worked firstly having made a mould of the conducts, which is to allow for any defects to emerge and for a better planimetry correct vision of fluid dynamics.
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Technologies used in CEMES
Dynojet 200 CE
Our test bench inertial, available for companies and individuals
Borghi & Saveri
Our test bench braking to provide additional support in the development of your bike.
Evo Light
The Evo Light is a CNC machine for boring Serdi valve guides and correcting locations tested for racing
Patent CEMES, comes with hardware and software system of the first order CEE and with 1 year warranty.
Bridgeport VMC 1000
The new machine of Cemes, the Bridgeport VMC 1000 with high speed.
Korradi Kropp
Centro di lavoro a 4 assi marca Korradi kropp,